Studio Floor

State of the artist

People always ask me: “Bobby Angel what’s next?” Origin story of how I got my name The truth is, I ...
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Stuck Inside of Oasis

Becoming a park ranger … Is a bit like dying and going to Heaven. Not sure where working the visitor ...
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Wrapped in my mind

Listen to demo version
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Don’t Need to Know

Riding solo … A cowboy arrives into town. Or is he just passing through?
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Hope to despair

When does one’s biggest regret … Transform into their only hope? Bobby Angel explores that and more in his new ...
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The Green Album

Released in 2021, The Green Album is a tribute to nature. Continuously play full album (above) Play selected songs and ...
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New Pangaea

This debut LP explores … The meaning of saying goodbye. Continuously play full album (above) Play selected songs and interviews ...
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Welcome to my studio

While you never quite know … When (or where) inspiration may strike: All artists need a place to bring it ...
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The Rambler

Bobby Angel spellbinds his audience with a vivid cowboy ballad of a wanderer caught in time between what was and ...
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Very talented pilot

People are always amazed … How clear everything is whenever they fly. The stories add up over time Then there ...
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The Lusitania

More than just a major maritime disaster … It’s my first anti-war protest song. Song and interview Not that it’ll ...
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Plugging away

What’s the secret to writing a song? It’s as much as striking when the iron’s hot, as having anything to ...
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I am a guzzler!

A medley to remember

Her and There Words and Music by Bobby Angel Maybe you saw me maybe you didn’t the best part of ...
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Her and There

Life was simple … When she was there. And then somehow both are gone.
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About Her and There

Life’s biggest challenge is working outside your genre. It’s also the biggest reward. That’s where this medley comes in.
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Tear Down

Listen to Tear Down
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