Studio Floor

Old habits die hard

Not Sure Words and Music by Bobby Angel Where am I now and what happened last night, I’m not sure? ...
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Not Sure

Bobby Angel’s ode to when bad habits … Become a way of life.
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Darkest hour

New Dawn Words and Music by Bobby Angel Cards were bad and in a hole, had a low pair and ...
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Big changes tomorrow

Why do today … What you can put off until tomorrow? Bobby Angel explains how that plight helped create the ...
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Three of a kind

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New Dawn

Bobby Angel’s reminder … That the darkest hour is just before dawn.
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Behind 3 Jacks

With three jacks you stay … When you’re playing cards with your life. In this exclusive interview, Bobby Angel explains ...
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Behind Dawn

Here’s the inside story … Behind New Dawn.
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Jim Dill Road

Old Jim Dill Words and Music by Bobby Angel Old Jim Dill was a friend of mine, a hermit who ...
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X Marks The Spot

Bobby Angel delves into a world gone mad … With greed and corruption.
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Old Jim Dill

Bobby Angel’s ode to a veteran of WWI … Who found a home as a hermit in the swamp.
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Demo of The Lusitania

Songs are written … But they only get perfected singing them over time. It’s in performance that songs evolve to ...
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Behind Dill

Here’s the inside story … Behind Old Jim Dill.
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Billy’s song

Man of Honor Words and Music by Bobby Angel Billy Joiner was a man of honor, a husband a son, ...
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Bootleg Interview Album

Bobby Angel discusses his origin story … And the role his muse plays in lighting his path. Continuously play full ...
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Man of Honor

Bobby Angel’s ballad of a local … Who found paradise in his backyard swamp.
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Behind Honor

Here’s the story … Behind Man of Honor
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